Storage devices

what is storage devices

Storage devices are which can store different data or transfer the data into the correct device. There is lots of types of storage devices such as memory cards, USB, flash drivers, CD/DVD’s, external Hard driver, floppy disc, ram and cache memory. These devices are different but I am going to explain what those devices are and how they do transfer and store the data by connecting to the computer.

USB: USB it can be a USB stick which connects into the computer and can store some data depending how much space in Gigabytes does the USB  driver has. Usually it’s easy to store the different types of data. Also there is other types of USB such as cables, memory card adapters etc.

External Hard driver: is a device for storing and  receiving the digital information. By using this devices the user is able to store/save his own information, files , documents into the External Hard Driver. also the user is able to receive the digital information from the hard driver which has been stored inside the Hard Driver by simply Connecting the hard driver to the computer USB port. 

Flash drive: its like USB stick which connects to the computer also it can transfer and store the data depending on the size of memory in the drive. Its driver which is easy to carry around and connect to the computer, also there is a lot of different types/styles of flash drivers

CD/DVD’s: it can connect to the computer by putting the CD or DVD into the disc driver. Also using CD you can store some computer data such as Music, files or other different sounds, Using DVD’s you can store the videos, films, power points and other types of different pictures but again it all depends on the size of the memory in the CD/DVD’s and its important to know what size is the memory because you will know then how many files you can store into the disc.

Floppy disc: is a small black disc which can be putted into the computer and also it can store the different types of data and transfer the data depending on the space of the floppy disc. Usually the floppy disc has not big space such as 3-5GB , but it still can store any data the user want

Ram it means ‘’Random access memory (RAM) ‘’ also the computer can access to this more quickly than to other devices its because the random access memory and cache is already installed inside the computer, also it can store the different data, files,programs,music,videos and a lot of more into the computer but it all depends again on how big is the memory of the computer is.


   Cache: is a collection of data which being stored in the computer also it can load up the data from computer more quickly than from the other devices. also the cache memory is  being installated inside the computer.  

Memory card: is a small plastic piece which can be placed into the computer via memory card driver or using the memory card adapter , its simple to use and there is different types of memory cards and different sizes such as Micro SD and other types of Memory cards. the different memory cards do contain different sizes of the memory which can be starting from 128mb to 32GB

Click here to watch the video about the storage devices

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