Input Devices

What is Input devices?

Input Devices are when the items for e.g. camera is being connected to the computer it can transfer the files to computer  and also receive the files from the computer by connecting the Cables such as USB or wirelessly into the computer.

Digital Camera: This can connect to the computer and transfer the photos, videos into the computer.
also the digital cameras can connect to the some of the printers which can print photos from the camera.

Keyboard: this can connect to the computer and type the text into the computer and tell the computer what to do for e.g. type the hyper link into the search bar (Internet)

Mouse: mouse can connect to the computer; also there is few types of computer mouse such as wire less mouse (which needs batteries to work) and connects by plug-in the USB adaptor to the computer, and the wired mouse. The mouse can control/press and move everything around the computer screen, also open the new different files etc. its easy to use a computer mouse , with out the computer mouse it will be difficult to control the computer only using a keyboard.

it can tell the computer what to do by using the voice recognition program, also it can record the voice into the computer and when you want to speak with the other user via computer you can use the microphone for speaking. With out microphone the user won’t be able to record the voice, or speak with the other user through the computer using the program for e.g. Skype.

Web cam: This can connect to the computer or already being instelated inside the computer, but most often the already installed web cam in the computer is being installed into the laptops. Also having a web cam you can take the photos using a web cam and computer, also do video calls and see other people around the world who has web cam but need to have the correct program to be able to make video calls for e.g. (MSN, Skype or Yahoo)

Scanner: it can transfer/copy  the pictures, documents into the computer by scanning. The scanner connects to the computer via USB and it can scan a lot of types of different papers, photos, pictures into the computer.


Graphics tablet: can control the computer also it can draw graphs, pictures also and edit graphs and pictures by having the correct soft ware for e.g. photoshop,paint etc. also it connects to the computer using USB cable. Also while the user is drawing the graphs or pictures the computer receives the Graphs/pictures.

Mobile phone: it allows you to send text messages, pictures and connect to the email and Internet also play games and take the photos if it has camera and then it can be connected to the computer wire less or wired depending does the phone and computer has the Bluetooth driver installed. It’s easy to use and also you can make phone calls to the people who you know easily and then you can download the video clips into the phone or listen to your favourite music via the phone. There are few different types of phones such as smart phone, phone and normal phone (nokia, Samsung, Motorola, Sony Ericson's, and LG etc).

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